
This is for:

In this article

This component was introduced in version 2.63.5.

The ProductView controller provides an interface for triggering an analytics event for a product view.



Trigger a view event for the product.


  • product: Product

    The product view event payload.



Creates an ProductView controller instance.


  • engine: CommerceEngine

    The headless commerce engine.

Returns ProductView



  • length: number

    The length of the offset.

  • offset: number

    The 0 based offset inside the string where the highlight should start.



  • position: number

    The 1-based product’s position across the non-paginated result set.

    E.g., if the product is the third one on the second page, and there are 10 products per page, its position is 13 (not 3).

  • additionalFields: Record<string, unknown>

    The requested additional fields for the product.

  • children: Omit<BaseProduct, 'children' | 'totalNumberOfChildren'>

    The child products of the product, fetched through product grouping.

  • clickUri: string

    The URL of the product.

  • ec_brand: string | null

    The brand of the product.

    From the ec_brand field.

  • ec_category: string[]

    The category of the product (e.g., "Electronics;Electronics|Televisions;Electronics|Televisions|4K Televisions").

    From the ec_category field.

  • ec_color: string | null

    The color of the product.

  • ec_description: string | null

    The description of the product.

    From the ec_description field.

  • ec_gender: string | null

    The gender the product is intended for.

  • ec_images: string[]

    The URLs of additional product images.

    From the ec_images field.

  • ec_in_stock: boolean | null

    Whether the product is currently in stock.

    From the ec_in_stock field.

  • ec_item_group_id: string | null

    The ID used for the purpose of product grouping.

    From the ec_item_group_id field.

  • ec_listing: string | null

    The listing that the product belongs to.

  • ec_name: string | null

    The name of the product.

    From the ec_name field.

  • ec_price: number | null

    The base price of the product.

    From the ec_price field.

  • ec_product_id: string | null

    The product ID.

  • ec_promo_price: number | null

    The promotional price of the product.

    From the ec_promo_price field.

  • ec_rating: number | null

    The product rating, from 0 to 10.

    From the ec_rating field.

  • ec_shortdesc: string | null

    A short description of the product.

    From the ec_shortdesc field.

  • ec_thumbnails: string[]

    The URLs of the product image thumbnails.

    From the ec_thumbnails field.

  • permanentid: string

    The SKU of the product.

  • totalNumberOfChildren: number | null

    The total number of child products fetched through product grouping.

  • excerpt?: string | null

    The contextual excerpt generated for the product.

  • excerptsHighlights?: HighlightKeyword[]

    The length and offset of each word to highlight in the product excerpt string.

  • nameHighlights?: HighlightKeyword[]

    The length and offset of each word to highlight in the product name.