
This is for:

In this article

The Headless commerce engine, controllers, and actions are in open beta and therefore under active development. Reach out to your Coveo team for support in adopting them.

The ProductView controller provides an interface for triggering an analytics event for a product view.



Trigger a view event for the product.


  • product: Product

    The product view event payload.



Creates an ProductView controller instance.


  • engine: CommerceEngine

    The headless commerce engine.

Returns ProductView



  • length: number

    The length of the offset.

  • offset: number

    The 0 based offset inside the string where the highlight should start.



  • position: number

    The 1-based product’s position across the non-paginated result set.

    E.g., if the product is the third one on the second page, and there are 10 products per page, its position is 13 (not 3).

  • additionalFields: Record<string, unknown>

    The requested additional fields for the product.

  • children: Omit<BaseProduct, 'children' | 'totalNumberOfChildren'>

    The child products of the product, fetched through product grouping.

  • clickUri: string

    The URL of the product.

  • ec_brand: string | null

    The brand of the product.

    From the ec_brand field.

  • ec_category: string[]

    The category of the product (e.g., "Electronics;Electronics|Televisions;Electronics|Televisions|4K Televisions").

    From the ec_category field.

  • ec_color: string | null

    The color of the product.

  • ec_description: string | null

    The description of the product.

    From the ec_description field.

  • ec_gender: string | null

    The gender the product is intended for.

  • ec_images: string[]

    The URLs of additional product images.

    From the ec_images field.

  • ec_in_stock: boolean | null

    Whether the product is currently in stock.

    From the ec_in_stock field.

  • ec_item_group_id: string | null

    The ID used for the purpose of product grouping.

    From the ec_item_group_id field.

  • ec_listing: string | null

    The listing that the product belongs to.

  • ec_name: string | null

    The name of the product.

    From the ec_name field.

  • ec_price: number | null

    The base price of the product.

    From the ec_price field.

  • ec_product_id: string | null

    The product ID.

  • ec_promo_price: number | null

    The promotional price of the product.

    From the ec_promo_price field.

  • ec_rating: number | null

    The product rating, from 0 to 10.

    From the ec_rating field.

  • ec_shortdesc: string | null

    A short description of the product.

    From the ec_shortdesc field.

  • ec_thumbnails: string[]

    The URLs of the product image thumbnails.

    From the ec_thumbnails field.

  • permanentid: string

    The SKU of the product.

  • totalNumberOfChildren: number | null

    The total number of child products fetched through product grouping.

  • excerpt?: string | null

    The contextual excerpt generated for the product.

  • excerptsHighlights?: HighlightKeyword[]

    The length and offset of each word to highlight in the product excerpt string.

  • nameHighlights?: HighlightKeyword[]

    The length and offset of each word to highlight in the product name.