Supported LINQ Operators
Supported LINQ Operators
Coveo for Sitecore 4.1 (November 2018)
Here is a list of LINQ operators supported by Coveo for Sitecore.
LINQ operation | Coveo | Solr | Lucene | Note |
==, != |
The |
>, >=, |
And, Or |
All |
Any |
Between |
Good for numeric and date fields only. The date must be in this format: yyyyMMdd . |
FacetOn |
Facet Pivot |
Boost |
CoveoBoost is easier to use (see Coveo LINQ Extensions). |
Cast |
Contains |
Uses the WildCardMatch. |
Count |
ElementAt |
EndsWith |
Uses the WildCardMatch. |
First |
Last |
Max |
Min |
Matches |
Doesn't support Regex options. |
OrderBy |
Select |
Single |
Skip |
StartsWith |
Uses the WildCardMatch. |
Take |
Where |
WildcardMatch |
Can only be used on fields that are facet. |
Like |
Doesn't support minimum similarity parameter. |
Phonetic matching |
Nested query |