Quickview (Case Assist Engine)

This is for:




Retrieves the preview content for the configured result. If options.onlyContentURL is true this will update the contentURL state property rather than content.


Retrieves the preview content for the next available result in the current result set.

If it reaches the last available result in the current result set, it will not perform an additional query to fetch new results.

Instead, it will loop back to the first available result.

If options.onlyContentURL is true this will update the contentURL state property rather than content.


Retrieves the preview content for the previous available result in the current result set.

If it reaches the first available result in the current result set, it will not perform an additional query to fetch new results.

Instead, it will loop back to the last available result.

If options.onlyContentURL is true this will update the contentURL state property rather than content.


Adds a callback that’s invoked on state change.


  • listener: () => void

    A callback that’s invoked on state change.

Returns Unsubscribe: A function to remove the listener.




  • currentDocument: number

    The position of the document in the current document set.

    Can be used for quickview pagination purpose.

  • totalDocuments: number

    The number of available document for the current document set.

    Can be used for quickview pagination purpose.

  • content: string

    The result preview HTML content.

  • currentResultUniqueId: string

    The current result unique ID,

  • isLoading: boolean

    true if content is being fetched, and false otherwise.

  • resultHasPreview: boolean

    true if the configured result has a preview, and false otherwise.

  • contentURL?: string

    The src path to use if rendering the quickview in an iframe.



Creates a CaseAssistQuickview controller instance.


  • engine: CaseAssistEngine

    The headless engine.

  • props: CaseAssistQuickviewProps

    The configurable CaseAssistQuickview properties.

Returns CaseAssistQuickview


The configurable CaseAssistQuickview properties.



The options for the Quickview controller.


  • result: Result

    The result to retrieve a quickview for.

  • maximumPreviewSize?: number

    The maximum preview size to retrieve, in bytes. By default, the full preview is retrieved.

  • onlyContentURL?: boolean

    Whether to only update the contentURL attribute when using fetchResultContent rather than updating content. Use this if you are using an iframe with state.contentURL as the source url.



  • length: number

    The length of the offset.

  • offset: number

    The 0 based offset inside the string where the highlight should start.



  • [key: string]: unknown

    Custom keys that depend on the documents in the index.



  • absentTerms: string[]

    The basic query expression terms which this query result item does not match. Note: This property is populated by terms from the query pipeline-processed q value (not from the original q value).

  • clickUri: string

    The hyperlinkable item URI. Notes: Use the clickUri value when you want to create hyperlinks to the item, rather than the uri or printableUri value.

  • excerpt: string

    The contextual excerpt generated for the item (see the excerptLength query parameter).

  • excerptHighlights: HighlightKeyword[]

    The length and offset of each word to highlight in the item excerpt string.

  • firstSentences: string

    The first sentences retrieved from the item (see the retrieveFirstSentences query parameter).

  • firstSentencesHighlights: HighlightKeyword[]

    The length and offset of each word to highlight in the item firstSentences string.

  • flags: string

    The flags that are set on the item by the index. Distinct values are separated by semicolons.

  • hasHtmlVersion: boolean

    Whether the index contains an HTML version of this item.

  • isRecommendation: boolean

    Whether the item score was boosted as a Coveo ML recommendation.

  • isTopResult: boolean

    Whether the item score was boosted by a featured result rule in the query pipeline.

  • isUserActionView: boolean

    Whether the result item has been previously viewed by one of the users specified in the canSeeUserProfileOf section of the search token generated to perform the search request.

  • percentScore: number

    The item ranking score expressed as a percentage (see the sortCriteria and rankingFunctions query parameters).

  • printableUri: string

    The human readable item URI. Note: Avoid using the printableUri value to create hyperlinks to the item. Use the clickUri value instead.

  • printableUriHighlights: HighlightKeyword[]

    The length and offset of each word to highlight in the item printableUri string.

  • rankingInfo: string | null

    The raw debug information generated by the index to detail how the item was ranked. This property is null unless the debug query parameter is set to true.

  • raw: Raw

    The values of the fields which were retrieved for this item (see the fieldsToInclude and fieldsToExclude query parameters).

  • score: number

    The total ranking score computed for the item (see the sortCriteria and rankingFunctions query parameters).

  • searchUid: string

    The unique identifier of the search that returned this result.

  • summary: null

    The item summary (see the summaryLength query parameter).

  • summaryHighlights: HighlightKeyword[]

    The length and offset of each word to highlight in the item summary string.

  • title: string

    Contains the title of the item.

  • titleHighlights: HighlightKeyword[]

    The length and offset of each word to highlight in the item title string.

  • uniqueId: string

    The unique item identifier. You should consider the uniqueId value as an opaque string.

  • uri: string

    The item URI. Notes: Avoid using the uri value to create hyperlinks to the item. Use the clickUri value instead.

  • rankingModifier?: string

    If applicable, represents the type of ranking modification that was applied to this result.


Call signatures

  • (): void;