ProductListingActions (Commerce Engine)

This is for:


The Headless commerce engine, controllers, and actions are in open beta and therefore under active development. Reach out to your Coveo team for support in adopting them.

The product listing action creators.

In Open Beta. Reach out to your Coveo team for support in adopting this.

Loader Function


Loads the product listing reducer and returns the possible action creators.

In Open Beta. Reach out to your Coveo team for support in adopting this.


  • engine: CommerceEngine

    The headless engine.

Returns ProductListingActionCreators: The product listing action creators.

In Open Beta. Reach out to your Coveo team for support in adopting this.



Refreshes the product listing.

Returns AsyncThunkAction<QueryCommerceAPIThunkReturn, void, AsyncThunkCommerceOptions<StateNeededByQueryCommerceAPI>>: A dispatchable action.