Tab (Deprecated)

The Tab headless controller allows the end user to view a subset of results. It is in charge of adding a constant expression to the outgoing query in order to refine the results.



Activates the tab.


Adds a callback that’s invoked on state change.


  • listener: () ⇒ void

    A callback that’s invoked on state change.

Returns Unsubscribe: A function to remove the listener.



The state of the Tab controller.


  • isActive: boolean

    true if the current tab is selected and false otherwise.



Creates a Tab controller instance.


  • engine: SearchEngine

    The headless engine.

  • props: TabProps

    The configurable Tab properties.

Returns Tab


The configurable Tab properties.


  • options: TabOptions

    The options for the Tab controller.

  • initialState?: TabInitialState

    The initial state that should be applied to this Tab controller.


The options for the Tab controller.


  • expression: string

    A constant query expression or filter that the Tab should add to any outgoing query.



  • id: string

    A unique identifier for the tab. The value will be used as the originLevel2 when the tab is active.


The initial state that should be applied to this Tab controller.


  • isActive: boolean

    Specifies if the tab is currently selected. Note that there can be only one active tab for a given headless engine.



Creates an QueryExpression instance.

Returns QueryExpression: A utility to help build query expressions.



  • field: string

    The field name.

  • operator: NumericOperator

    The operator to use when comparing field and value. Options for the operator are: "isExactly" | "lowerThan" | "lowerThanOrEqual" | "greaterThan" | "greaterThanOrEqual".

  • value: string

    The value to match against the field. For absolute dates, please use form YYYY/MM/DD. For relative dates, please refer to the supported date/time operators.

  • negate?: boolean

    If true, the inverse expression will be created.



  • field: string

    The field name.

  • from: string

    The start of the range. For absolute dates, please use form YYYY/MM/DD. For relative dates, please refer to the supported date/time operators.

  • to: string

    The end of the range. For absolute dates, please use form YYYY/MM/DD. For relative dates, please refer to the supported date/time operators.

  • negate?: boolean

    If true, the inverse expression will be created.



  • expression: string

    An expression that must appear in its entirety at least once for an item to be returned.

    For example, specifying Star Wars will only return items containing the exact phrase.

  • negate?: boolean

    If true, the inverse expression will be created.



  • field: string

    The field that should be defined on all matching items.

  • negate?: boolean

    If true, the inverse expression will be created.



  • expression: string

    An expression containing terms to match. Terms can be in any order, and may also be expanded with stemming.

    For example, specifying Star Wars will return items containing either Star or Wars or both.

  • negate?: boolean

    If true, the inverse expression will be created.



  • otherTerms: OtherTerm[]

    The other terms to check against the reference term. See NEAR for an example.

  • startTerm: string

    The reference term.

  • negate?: boolean

    If true, the inverse expression will be created.



  • field: string

    The field name.

  • operator: NumericOperator

    The operator to use when comparing field and value.

  • value: number

    The value to match against the field.

  • negate?: boolean

    If true, the inverse expression will be created.



  • field: string

    The field name.

  • from: number

    The start of the range.

  • to: number

    The end of the range.

  • negate?: boolean

    If true, the inverse expression will be created.



  • endTerm: string

    The term to check against the reference term.

  • maxKeywordsBetween: number

    The maximum number of keywords that should exist between the current term and the reference term.



  • addDateField:

    Adds an expression that uses an operator to compare a date field to a value. Returns all of the items for which the expression evaluates to true.

  • addDateRangeField:

    Adds an expression that returns all items for which the value of the date field is within the defined range.

  • addExactMatch:

    Adds an expression that must appear in its entirety, at least once, for an item to be returned.

  • addExpression:

    Adds a QueryExpression to the current instance.

  • addFieldExists:

    Adds an expression returning all items where the defined field exists.

  • addKeyword:

    Adds an expression containing terms to match. Terms can be in any order, and may also be expanded with stemming.

  • addNear:

    Adds an expression that returns all of the items in which the specified startTerm appears no more than maxKeywordsBetween from the endTerm, for each element in otherTerms.

  • addNumericField:

    Adds an expression that uses an operator to compare a numeric field to a value. Returns all of the items for which the expression evaluates to true.

  • addNumericRangeField:

    Adds an expression that returns all items for which the value of the numeric field is within the defined range.

  • addQueryExtension:

    Adds an expression that invokes a query extension.

  • addStringFacetField:

    Adds an expression that uses an operator to compare a string facet field to a value. Returns all of the items for which the expression evaluates to true.

  • addStringField:

    Adds an expression that uses an operator to compare a string field against certain values. Returns all of the items for which the expression evaluates to true.

  • joinUsing:

    Allows specifying a boolean operator join expressions with. Possible values are and and or.

  • toQuerySyntax:

Joins all expressions using the configured boolean operator.



  • name: string

    The query extension name without the leading $ sign. See Standard query extensions for examples.

  • parameters: QueryExtensionParameters

    The query extension parameters where applicable.



  • field: string

    The field name.

  • operator: StringFacetFieldOperator

    The operator to use when comparing field and value.

  • value: string

    The value to match against the field.

  • negate?: boolean

    If true, the inverse expression will be created.



  • field: string

    The field name.

  • operator: StringOperator

    The operator to use when comparing field and values.

  • values: string[]

    The values to match against the field.

  • negate?: boolean

    If true, the inverse expression will be created.


Call signatures

  • (): void

Example Implementation


import {useEffect, useState, FunctionComponent} from 'react';
import {Tab as HeadlessTab} from '@coveo/headless';
interface TabProps {
  controller: HeadlessTab;
export const Tab: FunctionComponent<TabProps> = (props) => {
  const {controller} = props;
  const [state, setState] = useState(controller.state);
  useEffect(() => controller.subscribe(() => setState(controller.state)), []);
  return (
    <button disabled={state.isActive} onClick={() =>}>
/* Usage
const messageExpression = buildQueryExpression()
    field: 'objecttype',
    operator: 'isExactly',
    values: ['Message'],
const controller = buildTab(engine, {
  initialState: {isActive: true},
  options: {
    id: 'messages',
    expression: messageExpression,
<Tab controller={controller}>Messages</Tab>;

Associated Engines

The Tab controller is available in the following engine: