(Deprecated) Result templates

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In this article

Result templates determine the format of the individual query results in a search interface. In Headless, a ResultTemplate is an object that specifies the content of a template as well as a list of conditions to fulfill for that template to be selected for any given result.

import { ResultTemplate, Result } from "@coveo/headless";
import React from "React"

const myResultTemplate: ResultTemplate = { 1
  content: (result: Result) => (<div>{result.title}</div>), 2
  conditions: [(result: Result) => { 3
    return !!result.title;
1 Defines a ResultTemplate element which will be rendered to the user interface. Specifying the content and conditions properties is mandatory, whereas priority and fields are optional. For more details on these properties, see the reference documentation.
2 Creates a function that takes as input the given result and returns the title, enclosed in a div tag.
3 Specifies that the result must contain a title for this template to be used.

As the complexity of your implementation increases, you may have to define multiple templates with different conditions registered by several components. At this point, it may become difficult to manage the state of these templates. Headless lets you create and manage templates with its ResultTemplatesManager controller to solve this issue.

To use the ResultTemplatesManager, you must instantiate it and register result templates before executing a query. When you render results, you can then call on the manager to select the most appropriate template for that result.

The following example code shows a basic use case of the ResultTemplatesManager.

import { buildResultTemplatesManager,
         ResultTemplatesHelpers } from "@coveo/headless";
import { headlessEngine } from "../Engine";
// ...
export default class ResultList {
  // ...
  private headlessResultTemplatesManager: ResultTemplatesManager;
  // ...
  constructor(props: any) {
    // ...
    this.headlessResultTemplatesManager =
      buildResultTemplatesManager(headlessEngine); 1
    this.headlessResultTemplatesManager.registerTemplates( 2
        conditions: [], 3
        content: (result: Result) => (
        conditions: [
          ResultTemplatesHelpers.fieldMustMatch("source", ["Techzample"])], 4
        content: (result: Result) => (
            <h4>Techzample: {result.title}</h4>
        priority: 1 5
    // ...
  // ...
  render() {
    return (
        { Result) => {
          const template =
            this.headlessResultTemplatesManager.selectTemplate(result); 6
          return template(result);
1 Instantiates a new ResultTemplatesManager.
2 Registers templates on your ResultTemplatesManager. You can pass multiple templates as separate parameters, or call registerTemplates multiple times.
3 Results will always satisfy this template’s conditions because there are none, making this the default template.
4 Headless offers result template helpers to make it easier to define conditions. See the reference documentation for more information.
5 Sets the priority of the result template. If multiple templates' conditions are satisfied by a given result, the template with the highest priority will be selected. If multiple templates have equal priority, the first template registered will win out.
6 Selects the most appropriate result template for the given result.


Take a look at the Headless project repository for more information about the data types and methods detailed here.


Element which will be rendered in the list of suggestions.

Property Description Type

content (required)

The template itself. It can be anything, but generally it will be a function that takes a result and returns something to display.


conditions (required)

The conditions that a result must satisfy for this template to be selected for that result. If an empty array of conditions is passed in, the template will be considered as a default that may be chosen for any result. Various ResultTemplatesHelpers can easily be used to create conditions.



Defaults to 0. When selectTemplate(result) is called, the result may satisfy the conditions of several registered templates. When this happens, the template with the highest priority is selected. If several templates are satisfied and have the same priority, then the first one that was registered is chosen.



The names of the Coveo fields used in the template’s content. This property tells the index to include those fields in the returned results.



Contains several helper methods to interact with a ResultTemplate object and define conditions.


Extracts a property from a result object.


  • result: Result (required)

    The target result.

  • property: string (required)

    The property to extract.

Returns unknown

+ The value of the specified property in the specified result, or null if the property does not exist.


Creates a condition that verifies if the specified fields are defined.


  • fieldNames: string[] (required)

    A list of fields that must be defined.

Returns ResultTemplateCondition

+ A function that takes a result and checks if every field in the specified list is defined.


Creates a condition that verifies if the specified fields are not defined.


  • fieldNames: string[] (required)

    A list of fields that must not be defined.

Returns ResultTemplateCondition

+ A function that takes a result and checks if every field in the specified list is not defined.


Creates a condition that verifies if a field’s value contains any of the specified values.


  • fieldName: string (required)

    The name of the field to check.

  • valuesToMatch: string[] (required)

    A list of possible values to match.

Returns ResultTemplateCondition

+ A function that takes a result and checks if the value for the specified field matches any value in the specified list.


Creates a condition that verifies that a field’s value does not contain any of the specified values.


  • fieldName: string (required)

    The name of the field to check.

  • blacklistedValues: string[] (required)

    A list of all disallowed values.

Returns ResultTemplateCondition

+ A function that takes a result and checks that the value for the specified field does not match any value in the given list.


Registers any number of result templates in the manager.



Build a manager where result templates can be registered and selected based on a list of conditions and priorities.


  • engine: HeadlessEngine (required)

    The HeadlessEngine instance of your application.

Returns ResultTemplatesManager<Content, State>

+ A new result templates manager.



Registers any number of result templates in the manager.


  • templates: ResultTemplate<Content>[] (required)

    The HeadlessEngine instance of your application.

Returns void


Selects the highest priority template for which the given result satisfies all conditions. In the case where satisfied templates have equal priority, the template that was registered first is returned.


  • result: Result (required)

    The HeadlessEngine instance of your application.

Returns Content | null

+ The selected template’s content, or null if no template’s conditions are satisfied.