Product lifecycle (Deprecated)

The Atomic library is an evolving product which is continuously delivering new features and improvements. This high velocity of innovation, combined with ever-changing dependencies (such as Node.js and Headless updates), means that certain legacy frameworks, methods, or features must be deprecated.

This article describes the official product lifecycle for each version of the Atomic library and its components. Contractually, Coveo performs needed bug fixes for at least 18 months following the release of a major version. We end support no earlier than 3 years after the initial release. For more details, visit Coveo’s version support lifecycle policy.

Package versions

The latest version of the Atomic library can be downloaded from npm. Links to older versions are also available, but support is limited as stated in the following table and as provided under the Coveo Support and Service-Level Policies.

Version number Release date Development end date Bug fix end date Support end date


December 2022





September 2021

December 2022

March 2023

September 2024


Development end date

There are no more features or improvements for this version after the development end date. New Atomic releases after this date are no longer tested or supported with the listed package version or component.

Bug fix end date

Major bug fixes are added to the latest official release of the version until the bug fix end date. After this date, all documentation relating to this version is archived. This documentation is no longer publicly searchable.

Support end date

After the support end date, Coveo Support will request that you upgrade to a supported version before offering any help.

3rd-party framework support

Atomic is delivered in an additional wrapper for Angular and React.

As of @coveo/atomic v2.45.0, the following framework versions are supported:

  • React v18

  • Angular v16

  • TypeScript v4.9 and v5.2

Support for newer versions of these frameworks may be added in either major or minor updates. Support for older versions may be removed in major updates. The wrappers may come with limitations compared to the version of Atomic that uses native components.

If the peerDependencies restrictions of one of these packages are more restrictive than those listed here, the peerDependencies restrictions are to be considered the source of truth.