Displaying results as a list or grid (Deprecated)

Using the atomic-result-list component, results can be displayed as a list or grid.

An <code>atomic-result-list</code> component with <code>display="list"</code> An <code>atomic-result-list</code> component with <code>display="grid"</code>

Choose a layout

The layout defines whether results are going to be displayed as a list or a grid. You can choose a layout by setting the display attribute on the atomic-result-list component.


List is the default layout. The list layout displays a single column containing all the results, taking the full available width. On a desktop browser, a divider separates the list results. On mobile, they’re generally displayed as cards surrounded by outlines.

Atomic List Layout


The grid layout displays a number of columns containing all of the results. The number of columns varies based on the available space.

Grid results are clickable. On the desktop, they display an outline when hovered.

Atomic Grid Layout

Optional: Choosing a density

The density attribute defines the spacing of various elements in the result list, including the gap between results. When the result sections are used, the gap between parts of a result and the font sizes of different parts of a result are also adjusted.

The possible values of density are:

  • comfortable

  • normal (default)

  • compact

Optional: Choosing an image size

The image-size attribute defines the expected size of images in the list, and has four possible values:

  • none

  • icon (default)

  • small

  • large

This affects how many results should be displayed horizontally.

On mobile, this also affects whether results should have an outline or dividers:

  • When this is set to none, icon, or small, the results on mobile have an outline.

  • When this is set to large, the results on mobile are separated by dividers.

A mobile result list with no sections and a non-large image size A mobile result list with no sections and a large image size

When the result sections are used, they also change the size of the atomic-result-section-visual section.

Advanced customization

Customizing the divider

The divider above each result can be customized as follows:

  atomic-result-list::part(outline)::before {
    background-color: blue;

A result list with a custom divider on the desktop

Customizing the outline

The outline around each result can be customized as follows:

  atomic-result-list::part(outline) {
    border-color: red;

A result grid with a custom outline on the desktop A result grid with a custom outline on a mobile device