Display results (Deprecated)

Displaying results in Coveo Atomic is done by adding a result list component anywhere in the atomic-search-interface and giving it result templates to define how results are rendered.


  <atomic-result-list display="grid">
          Title: <atomic-result-link></atomic-result-link>
          Description: <atomic-result-text field="excerpt"></atomic-result-text>
        <atomic-field-condition must-match-visibility="confidential">


    template={(result) => (
          {"Title: "}
          {"Description: "}
          <AtomicResultText field="excerpt"></AtomicResultText>
        {result.raw.visibility === "confidential" && (

The results displayed by the template above

The results displayed by the template above.

Result list components

Atomic includes two different result components you can choose between:


The atomic-result-list component can display results as a list, grid, or table.

You can find extended documentation on how to use this component in the following:

An <code>atomic-result-list</code> component with <code>display="list"</code>

An atomic-result-list component with display="list".

An <code>atomic-result-list</code> component with <code>display="grid"</code>

An atomic-result-list component with display="grid".

An <code>atomic-result-list</code> component with <code>display="table"</code>

An atomic-result-list component with display="table".


The atomic-folded-result-list component can display results hierarchically.

To display results hierarchically, see Implement folding.

An <code>atomic-folded-result-list</code> component with some "folded" results

An atomic-folded-result-list component with some "folded" results.

Defining a result template

Result templates define what HTML content should be displayed for each result returned by the user’s query.

In HTML, they’re defined by adding an atomic-result-template element inside the result list and adding a template element in the atomic-result-template element, like so:

    <span>Title: </span><atomic-result-link></atomic-result-link>

In React, they’re defined by passing a callback to the template attribute of the result list, like so:

  template={(result) => (
        {"Excerpt with highlighting: "}
        <AtomicResultText field="excerpt" />
        {"Excerpt using JSX, without highlighting: "}

Result template components

To display result-specific information, use result template components.

    <atomic-result-image field="thumbnail"></atomic-result-image>
    <atomic-result-number field="price">
      <atomic-format-currency currency="USD"></atomic-format-currency>


The contents of a template can be styled by adding a <style> tag inside of it.


      atomic-result-badge[label="On sale!"]::part(result-badge-element) {
        background-color: #44a1da;
        color: white;
    <atomic-field-condition must-match-on-sale="true">
      <atomic-result-badge label="On sale!"></atomic-result-badge>
    <atomic-result-number field="price">
      <atomic-format-currency currency="USD"></atomic-format-currency>


const templateStyle = `
  atomic-result-badge[label="On sale!"]::part(result-badge-element) {
    background-color: #44a1da;
    color: white;
// ...
  template={(result) => (
      {result.raw["on-sale"] === "true" && (
        <AtomicResultBadge label="On sale!"></AtomicResultBadge>
      <AtomicResultNumber field="price">
        <AtomicFormatCurrency currency="USD"></AtomicFormatCurrency>

Result sections

If you don’t need a deep level of customization and want to render results following Coveo’s mobile-friendly design, use result sections.

When a result section element (prefixed with atomic-result-section-) is present at the root of the <template> element of a result template, its styling will automatically adapt.

      <atomic-result-badge field="objecttype"></atomic-result-badge>
    <atomic-result-section-visual image-size="icon">
      <atomic-result-text field="excerpt"></atomic-result-text>

A result list with sections on a mobile device

A result list with sections on a mobile device.

Result template conditions

It’s also possible to define multiple different result templates that are displayed conditionally to a field containing a particular value.


  <atomic-result-template must-match-sourcetype="YouTube" must-match-author="Coveo">
    <!-- I am displayed when the field `source` matches exactly `YouTube` and `author` matches exactly `Coveo`. -->
  <atomic-result-template must-match-sourcetype="YouTube">
    <!-- I am displayed for all other results where the field `source` matches exactly `YouTube`. -->
  <atomic-result-template must-match-sourcetype="Documentation" must-not-match-status="Outdated">
    <!-- I am displayed for all results where `source` matches exactly `Documentation` and `status` does not match `Outdated`. -->
    <!-- I am the default template, when no other condition is met. -->


const YoutubeTemplate = ({ result }) => <>{/* Some template content */}</>;
const DefaultTemplate = ({ result }) => <>{/* Some template content */}</>;
// ...
  template={(result) =>
    result.raw.source === "YouTube" ? (
      <YoutubeTemplate result={result} />
    ) : (
      <DefaultTemplate result={result} />

Table result templates and folded result templates

Table result templates and folded result templates are defined slightly differently. See: