Review incoherent events (Deprecated)


The Incoherent Events page is deprecated as of April 2024.

To review your organization events and inspect any inconsistencies, we recommend that you use the Data Health (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page instead. See Review data health for more information on this page.

Members with the required privileges can use the Data Health (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page to review the list of usage analytics events discarded by Coveo Usage Analytics (Coveo UA). With this list and the JSON description of the incoherent events, you can capture potential implementation issues, and then fix the underlying causes.


You should consult this page regularly during integration testing to quickly identify malformed events sent by your application.

Inspect incoherent events


The Incoherent Events page is deprecated as of April 2024.

To review your organization events and inspect any inconsistencies, we recommend that you use the Data Health (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page instead. See Review data health for more information on this page.

On the Incoherent Events page, in the table, you can review the history of incoherent events within your organization UA data.

  • In the Action bar, click the date range to open a date picker dialog:

    1. In the calendar, select a start and an end date.

    2. Click Apply to apply your time window choice and close the date picker dialog.

  • Use the value of the facets to filter events to the ones you want to review.

  • To copy an event error code, click the desired event, and then click Copy Code to Clipboard in the Action bar. You can then paste the error code where needed.

Review incoherent event JSON description


The Incoherent Events page is deprecated as of April 2024.

To review your organization events and inspect any inconsistencies, we recommend that you use the Data Health (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page instead. See Review data health for more information on this page.

  1. On the {incoherent-events-link}page, find the event that you want to review the description for (see Inspect incoherent events).

  2. Click the desired event, and then click View in the Action bar.

  3. In the View an Incoherent Event panel that appears, review the pair of dimensions and associated values relevant to the incoherent event based on the error code.

  • The available data in the JSON description differs depending on the event type.

  • You can copy the description in a JSON editor to ease your review.


When reviewing an event with a duplicate search ID, note the visitId value. You can then look in the Visit Browser using the visit ID to find the event that has same search ID (see Review user visits with the Visit Browser).


The JSON configuration can be pretty long. Therefore, you can use the implemented search feature to easily find event description elements such as dimension names and values.

  1. In the JSON description box, fill the Search box with the desired keyword(s).

  2. Click anywhere in the JSON configuration box.

  3. Select Ctrl+F (Windows) or Command+F (Mac).

  4. In the Search field that appears at the top of the box, type the desired keyword(s) or regular expressions (regex), and select Enter.

  5. Select Enter.

    When present, the keyword occurrences are highlighted with a yellow background. The box content scrolls when needed to ensure that the first keyword occurrence is visible.

  6. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to automatically scroll in the JSON description box to review the other keyword occurrences.



The Incoherent Events page is deprecated as of April 2024.

To review your organization events and inspect any inconsistencies, we recommend that you use the Data Health (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page instead. See Review data health for more information on this page.

The information you can review in the page table is:

  • Type column

    The possible analytics event categories are Click, Search, Custom, and View (see Usage analytics events).

  • Datetime column

    Event date and time

  • Error Code column

    The errors can be client or server side. For example, your application can send two search events when a user performs a query (client side) or two click events when a user clicks a search result (server side). The possible error codes are:

    Error code Description Actionable error

    Duplicate view event

    A view event with the same view ID was already logged in the database that was rejected by Coveo UA to avoid duplicate events.
    The view event ID is generated server side, meaning that the error is internal.
    Note: This error has no impact on your usage analytics data.


    Click without associated search

    A click event was sent with a search query UID that doesn’t correspond to a valid search event.
    Note: Review your integration and ensure that the click event uses the search ID returned by the search event call (see Log click event via POST).


    Duplicate click

    A click event with the same click ID was already logged in the database that was rejected by Coveo UA to avoid duplicate events.
    The click event ID is generated server side, meaning that the error is internal.
    Note: This error has no impact on your usage analytics data.


    Duplicate custom event

    A custom event with the same custom event ID was already logged in the database that was rejected by Coveo UA to avoid duplicate events.
    The custom event ID is generated server side, meaning that the error is internal.
    Note: This error has no impact on your usage analytics data.


    Duplicate search

    A search event with the same search ID was already logged in the database that was rejected by Coveo UA to avoid duplicate events. This event ID is provided client side.

    • The error can also occur for a custom event with the last search ID of a search event that was rejected for being a duplicate.

    • The error can also occur, in rare cases, due to an internal issue.

    Depends on the cause*

    Strict validation failure (When strict validation is applied in your organization)

    An analytics event was rejected because they contained suspect dimension values (see Strict validation).


    * Only actionable when the error is client side.

Required privileges

The following table indicates the privileges required to view or edit elements of the {incoherent-events-link}page and associated panels (see Manage privileges and Privilege reference).

Action Service - Domain Required access level

View incoherent events

Analytics - Incoherent events
Organization - Organization
