SearchParameterManager (Insight Engine)

This is for:


This component was introduced in version 1.103.0.

The SearchParameterManager controller allows restoring parameters that affect the results from e.g. a url.



Updates the search parameters in state with the passed parameters and executes a search. Unspecified keys are reset to their initial values.



Adds a callback that’s invoked on state change.


  • listener: () => void

    A callback that’s invoked on state change.

Returns Unsubscribe: A function to remove the listener.



The state relevant to the SearchParameterManager controller.




Creates an insight SearchParameterManager controller instance.


Returns SearchParameterManager


The configurable SearchParameterManager properties.



The initial state that should be applied to the SearchParameterManager controller.




  • af?: Record<string, string[]>

    A record of the automatic facets, where the key is the facet id, and value is an array containing the selected values.

  • aq?: string

    The advanced query expression.

  • cf?: Record<string, string[]>

    A record of the category facets, where the key is the facet id, and value is an array containing the parts of the selected path.

  • cq?: string

    The constant query expression.

  • debug?: boolean

    Determines whether to return debug information for a query.

  • df?: Record<string, DateRangeRequest[]>

    A record of the date facets, where the key is the facet id, and value is an array containing the date ranges to request.

  • enableQuerySyntax?: boolean

    Whether to interpret advanced Coveo Cloud query syntax in the query.

  • f?: Record<string, string[]>

    A record of the facets, where the key is the facet id, and value is an array containing the selected values.

  • fExcluded?: Record<string, string[]>

    A record of the excluded facets, where the key is the facet id, and value is an array containing the excluded values.

  • firstResult?: number

    A zero-based index of the first result.

  • mnf?: Record<string, NumericRangeRequest>

    A record of the manual numeric facets, where the key is the facet id, and the value is the selected numeric range.

  • nf?: Record<string, NumericRangeRequest[]>

    A record of the numeric facets, where the key is the facet id, and value is an array containing the numeric ranges to request.

  • numberOfResults?: number

    The number of results to return.

  • q?: string

    The query.

  • sf?: Record<string, string[]>

    A record of the static filters, where the key is the static filter id, and value is an array containing the selected static filter captions.

  • sortCriteria?: string

    The sort expression to order returned results by.

  • tab?: string

    The active tab id.


Call signatures

  • (): void;