Use a hosted page in your infrastructure
Use a hosted page in your infrastructure
If your Atomic search page is hosted on Coveo Platform infrastructure, you can use the atomic-hosted-ui
component to consume it from anywhere on the web.
This component leverages the Hosted Page API to retrieve the hosted content and insert it into the target web page.
Legacy search pages were created using the Coveo JavaScript Search Framework. They aren’t compatible with Atomic. |
Install the components
The atomic-hosted-ui
component is published in the atomic-hosted-page
npm package.
You can install it by including a CDN link or using npm.
The simplest way to get the component is through a content delivery network (CDN).
Include the following script in the target HTML page:
The component is also available as an npm package:
npm install @coveo/atomic-hosted-page
All the resources will be available under /node_modules/@coveo/atomic-hosted-page/dist/atomic-hosted-page
You can include these in target pages with <script>
If you’re using a module bundler (such as Browserify, Webpack, or Rollup), you can use require('@coveo/atomic-hosted-page')
or import '@coveo/atomic-hosted-page'
Use atomic-hosted-ui
Once you’ve installed the atomic-hosted-page
package, you’ll need to add a script like the following to initialize the atomic-hosted-ui
<!-- ... -->
(async () => {
await customElements.whenDefined('atomic-hosted-ui');
const atomicHostedUIPage = document.querySelector('atomic-hosted-ui');
await atomicHostedUIPage.initialize({
accessToken: '<ACCESS_TOKEN>',
organizationId: '<ORGANIZATION_ID>',
pageId: '<PAGE_ID>'
<!-- ... -->
<atomic-hosted-ui hosted-type="builder"></atomic-hosted-ui>
<!-- ... -->
<ACCESS_TOKEN> (string) is an API key or platform token that grants the View all access level on the Search pages and IPX domain in the target Coveo organization. |
<ORGANIZATION_ID> (string) is the unique identifier of your organization (for example, mycoveoorganizationa1b23c ). |
<PAGE_ID> (string) is the unique identifier of the hosted page, which you can copy from the Search Pages (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page of the Administration Console. |
The hosted-type attribute lets you specify the kind of hosted page you want to fetch.
Possible values:
An API key with this access level will give access to the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code for every search page in your organization. Make sure that you follow all client-side development best practices, and don’t put sensitive information in your search page code. |
On initialization, the component performs the following actions:
Insert the contents of the HTML parameter as
. -
Insert the contents of each JavaScript parameter as a
tag in the header of the page. -
Insert the contents of each CSS parameter as a
tag in the header of the page.