Change component properties

This is for:


You can programmatically change the properties of an initialized Atomic component. In the following example, the display property of the atomic-result-list component updates based on the width of the window.

  <!--- ... --->
    (async () => {
        await customElements.whenDefined('atomic-search-interface');
        const searchInterface = document.querySelector('#search');

        await searchInterface.initialize({
            organizationId: '<ORGANIZATION_ID>'

        const { engine } = searchInterface;
        const resultList = document.querySelector('atomic-result-list');
        const body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];

        const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(() => { 1
          if (window.innerWidth < 700) {
              resultList.setAttribute('display', 'grid'); 2
          } else {
              resultList.setAttribute('display', 'table');
        resizeObserver.observe(body); 3

  <!--- ... --->
1 Create a ResizeObserver.
2 Compare the window width to a threshold. Change the display property of the atomic-result-list component accordingly.
3 Set the resize observer object to observe the body element.